Friday 29 May 2015

Significance of Eating Healthy Food in Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

 Import of Eating Healthy Food in Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food – a famous saying said by Hippocrates. This is a much needed quote to follow in today’s world. We all need healthy food to stay fit, and we generally assume that healthy foods are not that tasty. Remember that healthy food can also be tasty if cooked properly, and you should always know the importance of eating healthy food in your daily routines.

The main problem with our generation is the processed food, which makes us to leave the traditional and healthy food aside. You should stop adopting western food habits like pizza, burger, french fries, etc, as these foods are not at all suitable for our health condition at all. Some of these foods can cause serious damage to stomach, liver and whole body gradually. We all ignore the fresh fruits and home made traditional dishes by eating unwanted junk all the time.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Healthy Weight Gain Best 10 Secrets Methods (Tips) for skinny

Natural Healthy Weight Gain is similar to loss weight skinny ; nothing is impossible with the right exercise ,diet and attitude. Here are  Best 10 Secrets Methods (Tips) simple tips skinny  that’ll help you gain weight the right way

Healthy  Weight Gain Best 10 Secrets Methods (Tips)

Healthy  Weight Gain Best 10 Secrets Methods (Tips)

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Top 10 Fitness Tips and Strategies from the Experts for Men's

Top 10 Fitness Tips and Strategies from the Experts 

Men's Health has the fitness tips, workout plans, exercises, and muscle building techniques you need to get the body.Top 10 Fitness Tips and Strategies from the Experts . Many people show the drive, determination, and consistent effort, but don’t reach their goals. If this sounds familiar, the next logical step is usually to find an educated personal trainer with proven experience. But, if you’re not ready to take that step, or if you’d prefer to go it alone, rest assured, we spoke to some of the nation’s finest personal trainers who gave us 10 insightful tips and strategies specifically designed to help you build strength, gain muscle mass, lose fat, enhance your endurance and maintain healthy eating habits.

Monday 18 May 2015

Best 10 Indian Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss

Best 10 Indian Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss

One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast.Breakfast can make or break your day - one doesn't realize this until you make it a daily habit and only then will you feel the difference.

Indians have become more health conscious from the last decade. People belonging to all age groups want to maintain a healthy weight and to have a fabulous looking body. However, it is not easy for an Indian to remain in their ideal weight as any celebration in India include a variety of food items that contain loads of sugar, ghee and other fattening items. Many health enthusiasts think that the best way to lose weight is to join a gym and work out for hours. However, if you are having a high calorie diet after your work out your entire struggle will go wasted.

Saturday 16 May 2015

weight gain vegetarian diet plan 10 + Steps & Methods

How to weight gain vegetarian diet plan 10 + Steps & Methods

weight gain vegetarian diet plan 10 + Steps & Methods

 Here 10 + Steps for Weight Gain

Two Types of  weight gain 1)Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet Gaining, 2)Weight with Dairy and Eggs .Vegetarians eat mostly vegetables, fruits, and grains, though some also eat dairy products and eggs. Don't fret, though! Even on a vegetarian diet, you can gain weight by choosing your foods thoughtfully.

Friday 15 May 2015

Best 10+ Health and Fitness Tips for Women's

Easy ways to stay healthy and happy from top wellness experts and real women who've made lasting lifestyle changes.

Health and Fitness Tips for Women

Stay active throughout the day

Walk and talk with  a hands-free as much as possible, stand up maybe during meetings, or keep standing while working if you do not have much typing work to do.

Take a short walk during your lunch break, take short breaks every half hour where you walk around for a minute and then get back to your desk. The options are there, you just have to make up your mind and do it.

Store your house with healthy snacks

Even if you have the habit of snacking throughout the day, healthy snacks will come to your rescue, instead of harming your health. 

So, stock up with all the healthy snacks to stay away from various lifestyle diseases.

Create an effective exercise pattern

Choose an exercise pattern according to your own convenience. Try adapting to strength training, for at least 20 minutes at least twice a week or interval training like walking or running which will help to tone your entire body.

Eat a good breakfast

Working women should also maintain a proper diet with the workouts in order to stay healthy. Include lots of fresh fruits in your breakfast, as fresh fruits that contain glucose will help to keep sweet cravings at bay. With fresh fruits you can also include some dry fruits in your breakfast for energy.

Turn on the magic of treadmill

Just do a 10 minutes treadmill session along with holding a 3-5 pound dumbbell in each hand. Set the speed to brisk walk. 

Do one-minute set each of biceps curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, and standing triceps one after another as you walk. This exercise will tone your upper body as well as pump your heart smoothly.

 Crunches technique

Most of the times, women tend to use their neck muscles more than their abs when they do crunches. This practice is completely a waste of time. Instead focus back to your abdominal muscles by pressing your tongue flush against the roof of your mouth before starting your crunches.

Drink lots of water

Enough water is very essential for the proper functioning of your body. Keep drinking water at regular intervals, so that you don’t de-hydrate yourself.

Reduce refined carbs intake

Limit your refined carb rich foods like cookies, chocolates, honey and white rice. When you eat a refined carb rich food, it will spike your blood sugar level and further will produce more insulin which will increase the fat in your body.

Recover from all desk jobs

Take a rubber band or hair scrunchie. Take the affected hand and touch all five finger tips together, forming a sort of point. Slip the band or scrunchy around all five fingers and draw them apart against the resistance of the band. It’s like a reverse squeeze.

 Do this casually whenever you have time – in between emails, at home while watching TV, even while driving. This will relax your fingers, hands and can act as a stress buster.

Workout with a buddy

If you are bored to work out alone, then call your best friend or take your pet along with for a workout session. Working out with someone whom you know will help you to achieve goals and keep you motivated as well. Besides, working out in company is always fun and cool.

Never focus on weight loss

If you just focus on reducing the numbers on your scale, then ultimately you will land up gaining pounds. Instead, you goal should be to maintain a healthy and fit life, by eating right food and practicing right exercise.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Best Indian Foods for Health and Weight Gain

Best Indian Foods for Health and Weight Gain 

There are some best Indian foods which can be eaten on a daily basis to let the body grow and remain diseases free.Your body would not benefit a bit if the foods it gets are not nutritious. You can’t avoid nutritious foods for taste, as the body needs its share of essentials which are not found in every food item.Only nutrition-rich foods ensure a healthy body and hence, they must be eaten on a regular basis.

Thursday 7 May 2015

How to Reduce Weight Easy 16 Fast Tips From Home

How to Lose Weight  Easy 16 Fast  Tips  From Home

Already Know the drill when it comes to losing weight: few calories, burn more calories. But you also know that most diets and quick weight-loss plans don't work as promised.  Pounds fast, these expert tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly.

Easy 16 Fast Tips

1. Add 10 percent to the amount of daily calories you think you’re eating. If you think you’re consuming 1,700 calories a day and don’t understand why you’re not losing weight, add another 170 calories to your guesstimate. Chances are, the new number is more accurate. Adjust your eating habits accordingly.

2. Write down what you eat for one week and you will lose weight. Studies found that people who keep food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t. Watch out for weekends: A University of North Carolina study found people tend to consume an extra 115 calories per weekend day, primarily from alcohol and fat.

Then cut out or down calories from spreads, dressings, sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks; they could make the difference between weight gain and loss.

3. Get an online weight loss buddy to lose more weight. A University of Vermont study found that online weight-loss buddies help you keep the weight off. The researchers followed volunteers for 18 months. Those assigned to an Internet-based weight maintenance program sustained their weight loss better than those who met face-to-face in a support group.

4. After breakfast, stick to water. At breakfast, go ahead and drink orange juice. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water instead of juice or soda. The average American consumes an extra 245 calories a day from soft drinks.

That’s nearly 90,000 calories a year—or 25 pounds! And research shows that despite the calories, sugary drinks don’t trigger a sense of fullness the way that food does.

5. Get a mantra. You’ve heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? If you keep focusing on things you can’t do, like resisting junk food or getting out the door for a daily walk, chances are you won’t do them. Instead (whether you believe it or not) repeat positive thoughts to yourself. “I can lose weight.” “I will get out for my walk today.” “I know I can resist the pastry cart after dinner.” Repeat these phrases and before too long, they will become true for you.foods that prevent wrinkles water

6. Watch one less hour of TV. A study of 76 undergraduate students found the more they watched television, the more often they ate and the more they ate overall. Sacrifice one program (there’s probably one you don’t really want to watch anyway) and go for a walk instead.

7. Eat three fewer bites of your meal, one less treat a day, or one less glass of orange juice. Doing any of these can save you about 100 calories a day, and that alone is enough to prevent you from gaining the two pounds most people mindlessly pack on each year.

8. Wash something thoroughly once a week. Whether that’s a floor, a couple of windows, the shower stall, bathroom tile, or your car, a 150-pound person will burn about four calories for every minute spent cleaning. Scrub for 30 minutes and you could work off approximately 120 calories, the same number in a half-cup of vanilla frozen yogurt.

9. Wait until your stomach rumbles before you reach for food. It’s stunning how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration—so often, in fact, that many of us have actually forgotten what physical hunger feels like. If you’re hankering for a specific food, it’s probably a craving, not hunger. If you’d eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you’re truly hungry. Find ways other than eating to express love, tame stress, and relieve boredom.crazy weight loss tips, smell some fruit

10. Stare at the color blue. There’s a good reason you won’t see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: it functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.
11. Sniff a banana, an apple, or a peppermint when you feel hungry. You might feel silly, but it works. When Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, tried this with 3,000 volunteers, he found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost—an average of 30 pounds each. One theory is that sniffing the food tricks the brain into thinking you’re actually eating it.

12. Walk five minutes for at least every two hours. Stuck at a desk all day? A brisk five-minute walk every two hours will parlay into an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day. And getting a break will make you less likely to reach for snacks out of antsiness.

13. Eat in front of mirrors and you’ll lose weight. One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.

14. Don’t buy any prepared food that lists sugar, fructose, or corn syrup among the first four ingredients on the label. You should be able to find a lower-sugar version of the same type of food. If you can’t, grab a piece of fruit instead! Look for sugar-free varieties of foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and salad dressing. Also, avoid partially hydrogenated foods, and look for more than two grams of fiber per 100 calories in all grain products. Finally, a short ingredient list means fewer flavor enhancers and empty calories.

15. Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs. The Centers for Disease Control says that’s all it takes to help you shed as much as 10 pounds a year (assuming you don’t start eating more).

16. You’ll lose weight and fat if you walk 45 minutes a day, not 30. The reason we’re suggesting 45 minutes instead of the typical 30 is that a Duke University study found that while 30 minutes of daily walking is enough to prevent weight gain in most relatively sedentary people, exercise beyond 30 minutes results in weight and fat loss. Burning an additional 300 calories a day with three miles of brisk walking (45 minutes should do it) could help you lose 30 pounds in a year without even changing how much you’re eating.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Best 10 Simple Steps for Natural Loss Weight and Fast

Best 10 Simple Steps for Natural  Loss Weight and Fast

Best 10 Simple Steps for Natural  Loss Weight and Fast.Simple Make Changes that either cut out or burn off extra calories will add up to weight loss over the course of a year.

Steps to Simple  Fast Weight Loss

Step 1. Anticipate temptation. If you know you can't resist freshly baked brownies, don't keep a mix in your pantry. Also, if you are going somewhere with friends and family and know you'll have a hard time controlling yourself, make a decision before you get there about what you will eat — and stick to it.

Step 2. Try the veggie-loaded plate method. Banes recommends using your plate to guide your food selection and portion sizes. One half of the plate should be vegetables. The other side can be split between protein and starchy carbohydrates. If you decide to get a second plate, says Banes, it had better be all vegetables. People who eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day are more successful with weight loss.

Step 3. Skip the fast food. A study of 1,713 adults who have been successful with weight loss demonstrated that people who eat at fast-food restaurants less than twice a week have greater success with their weight loss. "If you do eat fast foods, don't supersize it," says Banes, and try to opt for a salad, small portions, or "get baked, not fried."

Step 4. Limit the calories you drink. While most people understand sugary sodas add calories, Banes sees a misconception when it comes to sweet tea and juices. Sweetened tea is no less calorie-dense than soda, and you'd be better off eating the fruit than drinking the juice, advises Banes.

Step 5. Be accountable. Whether you have a diet buddy you check in with, a support group, or a food diary, keeping track of your daily food choices takes only a few minutes, but can double your weight-loss success.

Step 6. Order smaller portions. Data suggests that people who order smaller portions or share a plate at restaurants are more successful with weight loss. Banes recommends ordering the lunch portion, an appetizer, or a children's meal — or put up to half your meal into a doggy bag before you begin eating.

Step 7. Acknowledge your success. People who believe they can succeed with weight loss actually do lose weight more successfully. How do you gain this confidence? Take a moment to pat yourself on the back when you make healthy choices and achieve your short-term goals.
Step 8. Switch up your snacks. "First of all, watch mindless snacking," says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at the Houston Northwest Medical Center in Houston, Texas. " Really add up." Instead of grazing on the baked goodies in the break room, have a plan for healthy snacks that combines a little bit of fat, protein, and crunch, such as apple slices smeared with peanut butter. If you are counting calories, doing the math may help: a pound is the equivalent of 3,500 calories, so if you can cut 100 calories out of your day, you will lose a pound in just over a month.

Step 9. Cut out high-calorie condiments and sugars. "Instead of getting a coffee with sugar, try Splenda," says Banes. Likewise, try mustard on your burger or sandwich instead of mayonnaise, and order your salad dressing on the side so that you can control the amount you eat.

Step 10. Hoof it. "Exercise is key," says Banes. People who manage at least 150 minutes of activity a week are more successful with weight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a bit farther from your destination so you have to walk. This will add extra exercise — and burn more calories.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Top 10 Exercises to Increase Height For Men and Women

Top 10 Exercises to Increase Height For Men and Women

Best 10 simple exercises to increase Height .  Height is something that many people strive for  helpful to get around your day. If you want to get a little taller but think you are stuck with your current height, you may be wrong. With just best 10 simple exercises you could increase your height and start reaching for the stars.

1.Hanging Exercises

These exercises are just what they sound like. You will need to hang down from a bar and let your body stretch. You can also hang and then bring your legs up parallel to the ceiling to create and even better stretch. You will want to keep this up for several repetitions and several times a week.

2. Swimming

Swimming is an exercise that requires plenty of stretching and reaching, which can gradually increase your height. However you will need to swim often and for long periods in order to see significant results. You should try and plan for two hours daily if you want to increase your height

3. Cobra Stretch

This stretch is all about stretching out your spine and elongating the body. The more you do this stretch the more you will open up your back and increase your height. To perform this stretch you should lie on the face down and palms under your shoulders. Then arch your back by raising your chin to form an angle.

4. Touch Toes

It’s time to go back to these treasured years of gym class and touch your toes. If you can’t touch your toes, you’re not alone and just stretch as far as you can. If you missed gym class you perform this exercise by standing straight and then bending down to touch your toes. You should hold the stretch for a few seconds each time.

5. Leg Stretches

There are a number of different types of stretches for legs and any stretches that work the calves will be very useful in increasing height. One good calf exercise is to stand parallel to a wall and place your hands on the wall. Put your weight on your hands and then slowly move one leg closer to the wall. You should feel a stretch in your calf. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat it a few times.

6.Pelvic Shift

This exercise targets the spine and lower hips and is considered one of the most effective exercises for increasing height. To perform this lay flat on your back with your palms out to the sides. Keep your legs bent and slowly push your pelvis upward. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat this several times for best results.

7.The Table

For this exercise you are going to put your body into the shape of a table. While it sounds easy enough this is actually a difficult stretch that will work wonders for increasing height. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out. Then place your palms on the floor with your hands facing toward your feet. Next place your feet flat on the floor and push your torso upward until your body resembles a table.

8. Jump Rope

Jump rope is not only a school yard activity and a great way to remember songs, it is also a great exercise for stretching out the body, especially the lower legs. You will build up these muscles and stretch them out throughout the jumping motion. The more often you jump rope the sooner you will start to see results.

9. Forward Spine Stretch

This stretch is all about your back and calves. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Now reach forward and try to touch your toes by arching your back. This is another way to stretch many of the same muscles in the toe touch and you should hold the position for several seconds.

10.Spot Jump

Jumping is an exercise that really stretches out the cartilage in the body, especially the legs. Repetition of vertical jumps or squat jumps can stretch out the cartilage so that the body gradually becomes taller. You can either do this as an individual exercise at home or you can play basketball in order to get plenty of vertical jumps into your workout routine.

Friday 1 May 2015

Women's Health and Fitness Tips and Diet Tips

Women's Health and Fitness Tips and Diet Tips

Here No Question that exercise  is the backbone to good health. Past  50 Years Old Ages, our bodies go through biological changes  a reduced metabolic rate to an increased risk of high cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes – that can affect well being and physical ability. There are countless ways you can safeguard your health and fitness with a nutritious diet and active lifestyle. So, whether you want to embrace your fitness for the first time in years, here’s how to maintain your health and fitness as you get older…

Diet Tips Do's and Don’ts

Avoid: Processed foods and foods containing high-GI carbs and sugar, such as cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks.

Avoid deficiencies: Older women can have lower levels of vitamin D, calcium, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. So upping your intake of foods containing these nutrients, or taking supplements, is a good idea. ‘As you get older, you need to up your intake of calcium to support bones, eat more oily fish for vitamin D and joints, and possibly consider soy products to help over come menopausal problems,’ explains nutritionist Mike Wakeman. ‘Up your fruit and vegetable intake to maintain high intakes of B vitamins, which will help provide energy . It is important to eat meat as well, as most meats are rich in vitamin B12 which we tend to become deficient in as we age.’

Daily Diet: ‘For breakfast try a low GI start to the day with porridge; have a light lunch of salad greens with Mediterranean vegetables dressed with olive oil, smoked mackerel and couscous, and a dinner of a healthy serving of green vegetables, with carrots, steamed potatoes and chicken,’ suggests Wakeman. ‘Although you might not feel like drinking fluids as you get older, it's very important to stay hydrated,’ he adds. Also consider vegetable smoothies with super food ingredients, for an easy way to get added nutrients. 


Why you should be cranking up the workout hours and getting that heart rate up. Here are just a selected few Methods…

Prevents Risk of Mortality: The Queensland University of Technology is a recent study even found that women, ​ 50 years old, would benefit beingprescribed moderate to intense exercise for both their physical and mental health and to reduce risk of death.

Keeps you Balanced: Purposeful and repetitive physical activity  by improving your strength, gait, balance and mood says a study in the US National Library of Medicine. 

Makes you Happy:  Research from the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity suggests it’s a significant mood booster!

Cuts Stroke Risk: Warding off the risk of a stroke might be as easy as taking part in moderate to intense exercise ; think brisk walking or a game of tennis. The searching  from the American Heart Association, also suggest that exercise helps to offset some of the increased stroke risk in women taking post-menopausal hormone therapy.

Keeps you Young: Scientists at King’s College London, recently recruited 120 men and women who regularly cycle, to do a number of physical and cognitive tests. The researchers pitted these results against each other and ‘normal’ benchmarks of ageing. Unsurprisingly, the cyclists scored younger than their actual age on balance, reflexes, metabolic health and memory.
Makes you Happy:  Research from the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity suggests it’s a significant mood booster!


It’s never too late to start reaping the benefits of regular exercise.

‘Age should not be a limiting factor,’ says personal trainer and fitness expert Ollie Frost. ‘Regular physical exercise has many beneficial health benefits. It will help protect muscle mass, prevent potential muscle loss and will defend the mind against depression and even dementia.’

Think aerobics: ‘Aerobic activity such as walking, jogging, swimming and cycling are perfect. The given activity should last for 10 minutes up to three times a week to achieve the greatest benefits,’ says Frost. ‘Include resistance-based training into your training week. For at least two days a week, incorporate multi-joint exercises - think push-ups, squats and lunges - these exercises should consist of three sets of ten repetitions. Resistance-based training will help improve overall balance and co-ordination and help prevent loss of bone and muscle tissue.’

Stretch it out: Resistance training should make up the majority of the your exercise week, stretching is a great way to help prolong the gains made from exercise, help prevent soreness and aid recovery, adds Frost. ‘Focus areas should be ankles, hips and thoracic mobility,’ he says. ‘Spend up to 5 minutes on each area.’

Stay safe: Frost says ‘Taking precaution is essential,’ . ‘Don’t push beyond your limits and capabilities, as you put yourself at risk of injury. Doing high-intensity aerobic and resistance-based training when you’ve taken time out from exercise is a poor decision. Your activity plan should be suitable for you, so consult a practitioner if you are suffering from any chronic conditions. Your overall activity level and intensity should progress slowly over time but stay patient with slower progress because safety is the most important aspect! Take extra care with  exercises such as explosive jumping, skipping, heavy weight lifting and sprinting,’ he says.

Keep swimming:  Research from Australia discovered that regular swimming means you’re 33 per cent less likely to fall. Just maybe keep those dive bombs to a minimum…

Step it up: The Heart Research Institute UK says One in Eight women die of heart disease every year in the UK. You can lower your risk of heart disease by eight per cent by taking just an extra 2000 steps each day, reports the Lancet journal.

Active benefits: As well as swimming and walking, many other activities have benefits for an older body.