How to Weight Loss Without Exercising with in 10 Days
9 Tips for Weight loss often occurs when the body expends more calories than it takes in. Exercise is one way to achieve this, but it may not be practical for some people due to health conditions, time restraints or lack of interest. Therefore, you may need to look for exercise alternatives in order to shed the pounds. There are many ways to lose weight and they all require commitment and discipline. If you want to reduce weight without exercise, follow these tips.
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How to Weight Loss Without Exercising with in 10 Days |
How to Weight Loss Without Exercising with in 10 Days 9 Tips
Tip : 1 : Determine the number of calories you need per day in order to lose weight.
1 lb. (0.45 kg) of weight is equal to 3,500 calories. Therefore, you must burn 3,500 calories for each lb. you want to lose.
- Figure out how many calories you can cut from your daily diet by first calculating the number of calories you should take in each day. Do this by searching online for a calorie calculator, then inputting your weight, height, age and activity level in order to calculate your recommended caloric intake. Each person is different, so it's best to get your own, personalized number.
- Determine how quickly you want to lose weight and subtract the appropriate number of calories from your recommended daily intake. For example, if you want to lose 1 lb. (0.45 kg) in 1 week, then you will need to subtract 500 calories per day from your caloric requirements in order to lose a total of 3,500 calories in 1 week.
Tip : 2 : Develop a diet plan that promotes weight loss.
If you are not exercising to burn calories, you must trim them from your diet in order to lose the weight. But just how are you going to do it? Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating your weight loss diet plan:
- Mark checkpoints. Where do you want to be in a week? Three? That way, even if you haven't hit your end goal, the end of the mini tunnel will be in sight, sustaining your motivation and keeping you going. 10 pounds in 10 weeks is great--but at 5 weeks, check in. Are you halfway there?
- Allot a certain caloric amount for each meal. Sticking to a 300-calorie breakfast, two 500-calorie bigger meals, and two 100-calorie snacks lets you know exactly what you can and cannot eat.
- Don't forget rewards! While you're creating a stringent plan to reach your weight loss goals, the secondary reason for this plan is to keep you motivated. After two weeks of hard work, what kind of reward do you seek? Maybe a trip to the mall? A movie? Your favorite soda? Make sure to build reinforcements into your plan as well.
Tip : 3 : Keep yourself accountable.
A food diary is a great way to go about doing this. You'll be forced to not only take a look at what you've been eating, but write it down, acknowledging it. Admitting on paper that you've eaten 3 fudgesicles for lunch may be the catalyst for change you needed.
- Find a friend you can either work with or simply depend on to show your diary to. If they'll keep one too, great! Often, when it comes to guilty pleasures, we slip up and go easy on ourselves. But knowing someone else will be waiting to judge our habits in the morning is a good external motivator for staying on the right track. Get a friend or family member to help you monitor your eating patterns.
Tip : 4 : Stay active.
You do not have to exercise to elevate your body's metabolism. Anything you do to stay moving, from cleaning the house to taking the dog for a walk, will work toward your weight loss goals. The idea is to stay on your feet as much as possible; it doesn't have to be exercise.
- Encourage social gatherings that are a bit more active. Frisbee golf, swimming, or a simple picnic in the park with friends are activities that will get you moving (and get you fresh air). If weather is an issue, go dancing or paint-balling.
Tip : 5 :Drink plenty of water.
Not only does water help to flush toxins from your system and promote speedy digestion (which in turn supports weight loss), it can also help fill you up during meals so that you eat less.
- The benefits of water are innumerable. It also may speed up your metabolism! A recent study found that if you drink 17 ounces of cold water, your metabolism can raise substantially just 10 minutes later. If you drink like this for a year, that's an extra 17,4000 calories burned -- or 5 pounds lost! By just drinking water!
- Men and women need different amounts of water, generally: Men need 3 liters (that's about 13 cups) and women, 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) each day. This does include food and other beverages, but in order to lose weight, this should mostly be water (it will put the hunger pangs at bay).
Tip 6 : Eliminate the junk.
To put it simply, processed goods just aren't good for us. In fact, most expiration dates seem to be for looks. If you keep processed, packaged goods around the house, most won't begin to decompose or smell.Our bodies aren't made for these synthetic foods. They're just straight up unhealthy.
- Stick to a natural diet as much as possible. If you can't feasibly make it, don't eat it. If you don't know what's in it, don't eat it. That means cutting out anything that's been through a processing process, if you will, which includes fast food. Take this as an opportunity to hone your cooking skills.
- Throw out the junk in your kitchen. Cakes, cookies, chips, and sodas. If your family has an issue with this, put everything in a cupboard and set it off limits. Make sure they know that this space is what it is and that you're not eating from it.
- Restaurants are a culprit, too. Especially now as servings get bigger and bigger and fattier and fattier. If you do find yourself wanting to be social and going out to eat, opt for the healthier choices (think fish or vegetables) and take half home with you.
Tip 7 :Pile on the fruits and veggies.
With your calorie restrictions, you'd probably end up feeling hungry most of the day if you eat the wrong foods. But fruits and vegetables are dense, filling, and low-calorie and low-fat. With a colorful diet, you'll practically forget you're counting calories.
- Not only are fruits and veggies great for your waistline (and delicious to boot), they may reduce your risk of cancer and other serious diseases. Like no other food group, they gift your body with tons of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and numerous other substances that you need for lon-gterm health. Do you need more reasons?
- As always, too much of anything is bad. For a snack around 100 calories, you could have a medium-sized apple or banana, a cup of steamed green beans, a cup of blueberries or grapes, or carrots, broccoli, or bell peppers with two tablespoons of hummus. If snacking is hard to do at work or away from home, think ahead and package snacks ahead of time.
Tip 8 : Go lean and low-fat.
Fruits and veggies should be a large part of your diet, but they shouldn't be everything. You also need other sources of protein, fiber, and good carbs and good fats. Include whole grains, oats, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products into your diet for a healthy balance.
- Don't go no-carb or no-fat. That's a diet ready to backfire. Instead, get healthy carbs from whole wheat pastas, brown rice, quinoa, and healthy fats from nuts, avocados, and olive oil. Your body does need them to stay energized, despite their poor reputations.
Tip 9 : Change your preparation methods.
A meal of vegetable stir-fry is no longer healthy if it's slathered in oil and butter. Don't sabotage the best of intentions with poor preparation methods. You'll just be left wondering why the weight isn't falling off.
- Switch to steaming, grilling, and boiling. Anything that involves coating, buttering, or battering should be considered off-limits. It adds extra calories that your body doesn't even register; the feeling of satiety comes from the food, not what's cloaking it.
- Switch to extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, and walnut oil. They're mostly unsaturated fat (the good kind), and serve the same purpose. When substituted for saturated fats, monounsaturated fats can help to improve blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing risk for heart disease and obesity.
- Don't make your dishes saltier than they have to be. Salt is known to restrict your arteries, raising your blood pressure. It has other dramatic health benefits, too, if reduced even just slightly. And if you do try reducing your intake a bit, you'll be surprised how little you taste it. If it tastes good enough without it, don't mess with it.
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