Sunday 28 June 2015

Natural Ways to Increase Energy through Lose Weight

Natural Ways to Increase Energy through Lose Weight

Natural Ways to Increase Energy through Lose Weight .Energy levels have dropped when you've just started a diet, you're not alone. Fatigue is a common complaint among new dieters. 

That's why supplement manufacturers and diet pill makers advertise energy boosting pills that grab your attention at the vitamin store. But there are natural ways to get more energy that are safer and more effective.

Natural Ways to Increase Energy During Weight Loss

Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy

To learn more about the best methods to boost your energy levels..She gave me easy-to-follow tips to maintain your energy levels when you're trying to lose weight. 

Energy levels typically plummet at the beginning of a diet. What are the best ways to boost your energy when you are trying to lose weight?

There are a few easy things that can help.
  •  Check your posture. Slouching doesn’t just make you look tired - it makes you feel tired too, because it places excess strain on your back and hips. Plus, when your joints aren’t properly aligned, your whole body has to work harder than it should.  Additionally, standing or sitting tall will improve the flow of oxygen to your brain, which increases your alertness and attentiveness.
  • Drink water all day long. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue, crankiness and foggy thinking.  Even before your thirst mechanism kicks in , you’ll experience lethargy.  The Institute of Medicine suggests adequate fluid intake for women is 9 cups or 2.2L per day, and for men 13 cups or 3L a day. One trick to make sure you’re getting enough is to buy 3 one-liter bottles and make sure you get close to finishing them by the end of the day.

  • Expose yourself to light. Throw open the curtains and sit in a sunny window or stop outside periodically. Environmental cues play a huge role in the body’s energy cycles throughout the day. Regular exposure to light has been shown to maintain higher energy levels in people suffering from fatigue. Exposure to natural sunlight can also enhance your mood. If you work in a windowless environment, try to step outside for some light therapy for 5 minutes every hour if possible.

Are there any specific foods you can eat that might help boost your energy levels?


The Exhaustion Breakthrough, I include a list of my top 10 energy boosting “Super Foods.”  These are foods that not only pack on more nutritional punch per bite than other foods do, they also have properties that directly support the immune system, boost energy stamina and longevity. 

Also, during my “7 Day Exhaustion Breakthrough Challenge,” Suggest focusing on foods high in magnesium  and iron  for an added boost.  Magnesium helps the body convert sugar from food into fuel, and iron is involved in the production of red blood cells which circulate oxygen throughout the body.  Both are critical for good energy levels.

When dieters get tired, they often turn to caffeine. Is that a good idea?


When you’re dead tired, caffeine can be an instant antidote, pepping you up and keeping you alert at crucial moments.  On the positive side, caffeine can increase levels of specific neurotransmitters in the brain that increase attention, concentration and mood.  And moderate regular coffee intake, in particular, has been linked with decreased rates of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and even certain cancers.

Caffeine is an energy sapping substance. It may increase blood pressure and cortisol secretion, cause anxiety and contribute to insomnia.  And regular heavy drinkers can experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to cut down. The take home message is that most people are fine enjoying a morning cup of Joe, but then focus on other energy boosting solutions for the rest of the day.

What about weight loss supplements that claim to boost your energy levels? Are they safe or effective?


Un-like the makers of prescription drugs, weight loss drug manufacturers do not have to prove their products are safe or effective before putting them on the market. And in recent years, several of these products have been shown to be unsafe and pulled from the market .  While these products often contain large doses of caffeine which will give you an initial boost, the crash will leave you more wiped out than before, and the risks far outweigh the benefits.

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